Are you ready to get that idea for a novel out of your head and onto a page?

With Ready, Set, Story! there's no need to keep that story inside you any longer. In less than a week, you'll develop your idea into a plotted, structured story and be prepared to write the first draft!

Tell me if this sounds like you: You want to write a book. You have an idea for a novel but don't know where to start.

What if there was a way to easily and quickly organize your ideas while unleashing your creativity at the same time?

That's exactly why I created Ready, Set, Story! I want to help you bring your novel ideas to life. 

If you want to develop and plot your story ideas and be ready to start that first draft in 6 days, click below now!

Course Features

Right now, perhaps you're struggling with how to get started. Perhaps you're wondering if your idea is good enough.

Imagine if you had someone to guide you through the mounds of detailed and complex information out there on how to plot and outline your story. Imagine if someone could distill all of that information into a short, easy-to-understand, engaging course that you could complete in under one week

Imagine if you could get that idea out of your head and onto a page, ready to draft, in 6 days.

Who Is This Course For?

Hi! I'm JoAnn Sky!

I'm an award-winning multi-genre author, screenwriter, professional editor and writing coach. I'm also a speaker and offer workshops and seminars about editing and writing topics.

As an author and editor, I've met so many people who deeply desire to write a book but don't know where to start or how to put it all together. I developed Ready, Set, Story! to help people achieve their goal to be an author. Yes, you CAN write a book. And I can help you.

Curriculum Outline

How Do I Start?

Buy now for only $67!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Ready, Set, Story! take to complete?

Ready, Set Story! is a self-paced, on-line course. It is designed to be completed in 6 days, but you can go as fast--or slow--as you like!

How long do I have access to this course?

You will have 6 months access from your date of purchase to the video portion of this 6-day course. This long-term access will give you flexibility and encouragement to complete it in pursuit of your long-term goal to write a book. You’ll have forever access to the templates, since you are able to download and save them, so that you can re-use them every time you plot a story idea.

Is this course useful for fiction and non-fiction writers?

This course is geared toward fiction writers. While certain concepts of story structure are applicable to non-fiction, writers of how-to books, academic textbooks and memoirs may find courses geared specifically for non-fiction more useful. 

Is the course useful for people writing in all fiction genres?

Yes! The principles of story structure are the same, no matter what fiction genre you are writing.

What tangible output will I have at the end of the course?

You will have a road map to write your first draft. You will have plotted your main story and subplots, created character profiles for your characters as well as a compelling character arc for your protagonist, and drafted a scene (or chapter) list.

You also will understand your genre, audience, and theme and use this information, along with your single-sentence logline, to focus--and later, market--your story.

I'm not very good at grammar and punctuation. Does this matter?

Not at all! This course will give you the tools you need to be begin that first draft. Revisions and editing, which will address grammar and punctuation, come later, after you have completed your first draft.

Do you also help writers write their first draft?

I am a writing coach and do help writers, and I created this course based on sessions I've had with clients over the past several years. This course IS an on-line, self-paced writing coach. It will help you structure your story and characters and develop a scene list that you can follow to write that first draft.

Can I take this course if my tech skills are limited?

Absolutely! You don't need specialized tech knowledge for any of the sessions. You will need a computer or phone to complete the lessons and, later, you will also need some kind of writing software to write your draft.

What is your refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.

Imagine where you could be one week from now...

--that idea that's been bouncing around in your mind, clamoring to get out, has been released!

--you have a clear idea of what you are writing and who your audience is...

--you have a fully-fleshed out, plotted story and engaging characters...

--you have a roadmap to enable you to reach your goal...

You could be ready to sit down and Write Your Novel.

Now is the time to take action!

Lock in this special price before the price goes back up.

Are you Ready?

Are you excited and Set to go?

Let’s get started on your Story!